Our History

Family Development Program has been part of the University of New Mexico’s College of Education and Human Sciences for decades. FDP began with one preschool and twenty families in the South Broadway neighborhood of Albuquerque. Founder Maria Chavez went door to door to meet with families. Founded in 1985, a family-centered approach to community partnership became the Family Development Program’s hallmark for quality early learning, thanks to the generous support from funders around the world. In 1992, the New Mexico legislature began to invest in the Family Development Program as community-based education aimed at building strong partnerships between educators and families so that children thrive. We pride ourselves in meeting communities and families where they are and have traveled state-wide for many years to do so.


WEmagination Philosophy and Approach

There are four core ideas that inform our philosophy. The WE’s curricula are unusual and effective as a versatile, transferable methodology that is hands-on, reflective, and empirically-based. We are committed to:

  1. Capturing the invisible, interior structure and essence of play.
  2. Inventing educational innovation from the inside out.
  3. Honoring and illuminating everyday, open-ended materials as the “stuff” children love.
  4. Punctuating the healing potential of play.

Why does the WE provide an answer that begins to navigate trauma and move into resilience?

Through WEmagination’s 25+ years of hands-on experience, FDP knows that play is:

  • Naturally trauma-informed because it does not dictate correct answers and it is relationship-based.
  • Culturally responsive to both children and adults in that the content is provided by the creator.
  • A natural antidote to harmful and toxic stress and withdrawal.
  • A way to leverage deep learning and engagement and improves outcomes very quickly.
  • A proven restorative practice for adults.
  • An avenue that can create a healthy ecosystem in a classroom, family, or community.
  • Is a means to counteract isolation and invite all people, regardless of difference, to the table.

Learn more about the WEimagination by visiting https://we.unm.edu/